Aluminium or Timber??

When it comes to installing a fence we often get asked, “what should I do aluminium or timber?” Which in order to answer we need to look at the differences between to two.

Without overwhelming you with in-depth details about the manufacturing side of both these materials, let’s take a look at a couple of the more practical differences that home owners are looking to know.

1 - Movement.

There’s not way around it - timber moves, aluminium does not. Timber fences will change as they are exposed to the elements. Often times, when timber fences are installed, the timber is fresh off the yard and still holds a fair amount of moisture. In the months after your timber fence is installed you will begin to see the gaps slightly increase in size and you may notice some movement in the overall “straightness” of your fence as well. There isn’t anyway to prevent it BUT when a timber fence has been installed by a quality fencing contractor (such as Klinks F & D’s (just sayin…)) the fence will often hold its integrity much better as it begins to dry out. And in many cases, will remain straight and true.

Aluminium fences will not move with the heat, cold, or rain. And the common aluminium panels with vertical bars that are very popular around many NZ properties have a very low wind resistance - meaning that after a stormy night with high winds, you won’t wake up to find your fence lying on the ground or down the street which is always a bonus haha!

All jokes aside - when Klinks Fences and Decks install your timber fence you won’t have to worry about that anyway…

2 - Price.

Aluminium fences panels will almost always come in more expensive than timber fences. Now in saying that, the type of timber fence that I am referring to is a standard 1.2m, 1.5m or 1.8m timber paling fence with posts ever 2 meters. There are certain types of timber fences that are a lot more expensive and can come in at a similar price or more than aluminium panel fencing. But if we are comparing the most standard version of each, timber is the cheaper option.

3 - Maintenance.

When it comes to the maintenance side of this aluminium takes the cake. Although your timber fence wont need any attention for a while, it will inevitably need some TLC at some stage - especially if you have stained or painted your fence.

Aluminium fences on the other hand are almost entirely maintenance free. Asides from a quick wash every now and then with some soapy water, you wont need to do a thing. I like to just give it a quick go over with the sponge when I’m washing the car - it takes all of 5 minutes and gets ride of the dust/dirt build up that naturally happens on outdoor fixtures.

4 - Privacy and Security.

Standard timber fences are always going to be more private that standard aluminium panels fences. There are solid aluminium panel fence options that we offer which are great for both privacy and security - plus they look great! But for the sake of this blog - the standard option of timber fences are more private than aluminium fences.

As for security, both options are great. A common height for aluminium fences is 1.2m which is lower than the more common height for timber fences which is closer to 1.8m. So naturally, a higher fence is going to be more secure BUT there are 1.8 aluminium options as well.

Closing thoughts.

Many kiwi’s opt to get for Timber fences around the sides and back of their property whilst using 1.2m aluminium fences across the front. It looks great, offers privacy, security, and is very const effective.

I hope those few thoughts help you decide what you need for your property. If you have any questions feel free to get in touch - we would love to hear from you!



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