5 Reasons Why You Need a Security Fence in Tauranga

Whether you have a small or large work site in Tauranga you should protect it with a custom security fence. A fence protects your workers, your property, your equipment, and even your customers.

A Security Fence = A Safe Work Site

Tauranga is a busy community full of families and therefore it is crucial to have a security fence in place to stop people from wandering onto your work site. A fence not only protects the community but safeguards your business as you may be held accountable for any incident involving them on your property.

This is especially important for children who often find dangerous hiding places in work sites where heavy machinery and materials are found.

Worksafe New Zealand reported from January 2020 - January 2021 there were 5,679 injuries in the construction industry that lead to workers having more than a week off work. If work sites are dangerous for qualified workers then they are even more dangerous for kids and the local community.

A Security Fence Gives You Control

By installing a security fence you are in control of who comes onto your work site. As you can actively manage all the access points leading onto your premises. This makes it easier for you to monitor your site ensuring that only authorised personnel have access to your site during the day protecting your site from intruders.

A security fence also allows you to manage health and safety more easily and strictly as you will be able to deter people away from hazardous areas. Creating a safer work environment for everyone.

No More Theft with a Security Fence

Creating a physical and visual barrier in your work site makes troublemakers think twice about accessing your property and taking your possessions. 

Many individuals may have ill intentions with your work site for a number of reasons. However, by adding a security fence you are displaying a sense of ownership and security leading to an offender being scared of being caught and therefore deterring them from your work site.

Therefore, not installing a security fence and failing to properly secure your work site will only result in negative consequences.

Peace of Mind

Running a work site in Tauranga is stressful enough without having to worry about all the unknowns that can occur from theft, vandalism, and customer accidents. An article by the New Zealand Herald discussed how graffiti crime downgraded Tauranga City and is a severe problem. 

Make your life less stressful and sleep easy at night knowing that your equipment, staff, and land are secure by installing a security fence. Because whether it is to steal equipment or just teenagers looking for something to vandalize you do not want anything to happen to your work site. 

The Safest and Easiest Fences to Maintain

Security fences will stand the test of time and require minimal maintenance if any!

Security fencing

Our Security Fences in particular are made from premium grade material that is not only rust but also graffiti free so you do not have to worry about any troublemakers marking your property.

We also make it evident that your new fence is strong and unbreakable while ensuring it is high enough that it would be extremely difficult for a prospect to climb.

Once security fencing is installed it is low maintenance and low cost. The initial investment is very affordable and it will last for many years. Just make sure that security fencing is professionally installed so you can rely on it and gain maximum benefits.

In Conclusion

If your Tauranga work site does not have a security fence it is a liability waiting to happen. By having a proper security fence installed you minimise the risk of accidents, and promote a safe work environment. No matter what work site you own, talk to a fencing expert to secure your space with custom security fencing.


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